Animal Housing Facility

The Animal Housing Facility at IIMCB is committed to ensuring the highest standards of humane care for the welfare of animals that are used in research, with the understanding that this commitment is critical to the success of our scientific projects.

In the Animal Housing Facility mice are bred under specific-pathogen-free conditions. Our animal rooms have restricted access and are equipped with individually ventilated cage systems and mobile biosafety changing stations with a superior ventilation system. Our experienced staff perform all aspects of animal husbandry and assist researchers with specialized procedures and protocol development.

IIMCB is registered with the Ministry of Education and Science as an experimental unit that is authorized to conduct animal experiments (registry no. 0051) and a breeding unit that is authorized to breed rodents (registry no. 052). IIMCB is under supervision of the District Veterinary Inspectorate in Warsaw and under authority of the 2nd Local Ethics Committee for Animal Testing in Warsaw. IIMCB is authorized to operate a Genetic Engineering Facility where the closed use of genetically modified organisms that belong to Risk Category I can be conducted (Decision of the Minister of Environment no. 103/2020). IIMCB is also registered with the Register of Genetic Engineering Facilities (no. 04-27/2020). All research and breeding activities at the Animal Housing Facility are performed in compliance with Polish and European legislation on the protection of animals that are used for scientific and educational purposes, including the Polish Act of 15 January 2015, European/International guidelines on animal welfare, Directive 2010/63/EU on the Protection of Animals Used for Scientific Purposes, and guidelines of the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations.

All personnel who are involved in animal research at IIMCB are committed to the highest standards of humane animal care, thereby maximizing the reliability of animal research to contribute to health solutions.
